Staff Recruitment Survival Guide

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We live in a high litigious society and more than ever business operators must protect themselves when they hire new employees.

Businesses need the right tools to help them make the important decisions about hiring staff. And they need sound strategies that will ensure the job applications are assessed and evaluated properly and effectively.

This program has been used in a wide variety of business settings, across a number of industry types. It has also been used in a number of HR courses at a major university and TAFE colleges.

Feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss the program further.


Before you hire new staff identify your exact staffing needs. 

Careful analysis will help you target the right people and match their skills against the tasks they’ll be doing. 

As we know, hiring staff is a time consuming and costly business. 

All too often, business operators and managers, overlook the really good people they already have working for them. 

Current employees are often perfect for moving into new positions because they know the business culture, understand the operating systems, and the policies and procedures. And they often they have established relationships with other staff members and customers or clients. 

Identifying workers for advancement, and moving people around the organization, can stop workers from becoming bored and dissatisfied.   

Providing opportunities for staff to regularly move into new roles will keep their interest alive and help to develop a multi-skilled workforce.

Special Projects is a great motivator. Giving employees new responsibilities often revitalizes them and gives them new energy.  

Repetitive work can be very boring and draining. 

It’s hard to get all revved up about a boring job.

Giving staff new and interesting work brings variety and challenge into their lives. 

Most humans respond well to new challenges, as long as they feel confident about their abilities and know they have support. 

Whether you decide to make an internal appointment, or recruit externally, you must do a TASK AUDIT. 

If your staff know you have a sound profile of their skills and knowledge, and they know the organization draws from its internal talent pool, their motivational levels will be higher, than those working in a business that fails to capitalize on their talented people.

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