Treading Books


Elena Armas

Elena is a Spanish writer, a self-confessed hopeless romantic and much Mr. B’s dismay, a proud book hoarder. After years of devouring stories and posting––okay fine, yelling––about them on her Instagram @thebibliotheque, she has finally taken the leap and started creating some of her own.

While she'd never describe herself as adventurous, having a degree in chemical engineering and being the Monica of her group of friends, this definitely qualifies as the most exciting yet terrifying project she has ever taken on. She's probably biting her nails as you read this. Heck, she's probably full on freaking out. But don't mind her, that's just a little of––hopefully healthy––stage fright.

Regardless, she cannot wait to finally share her dream with you. To perhaps gush over HEAs together, and who knows, maybe fall a little more in love with love. Because isn't that the point on all of this?


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