Getting a Proper Grip on Your Golf Club

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Getting into golf is not the simplest thing in the world. For one, it is a sport that requires
immense concentration and mental discipline, but even that is not enough. No – just like any
other sport, golf requires that you have mastered some very specific skills in order to get far in
the game.

And in golf, there is no skill more basic, and more crucially important, than that of getting a
proper grip on your golf clubs. If you think about it a moment, you’ll see that it really does make a lot of sense. After all, your grip is the connection between your body and your golf club. It affects absolutely everything about your swing, as you use it to direct your club towards the ball.

Unfortunately, learning to get a proper grip on your golf clubs is not the easiest thing in the
world. In fact, many people spend years before they gain the ability to constantly use the right
type of grip. Partially, this is due to the simple fact that unless you’re actually following a proper training program, getting the theory behind the right golf grip is difficult. Sure, there are a lot of resources out there, but with various terms being thrown around it can all be somewhat confusing for a beginner.

Should you be willing to learn though, this guide is going to be your foundation towards getting that grip that will improve your game by leaps and bounds. Instead of just telling you how to grip your golf clubs, we’re going to be taking you through the whole nine yards of the process. That includes, actually, learning just how a grip can affect your swing.

Once you know that, then you’ll be able to more easily spot the common mistakes that many
golfers, even the intermediate ones, tend to make with their grip. More importantly, you’ll be
able to spot your own mistakes. Granted, you’re not going to miraculously turn into an expert golf-club-gripper overnight.

What this guide can supply you with is all the knowledge that you need, but you’re still going to have to head over to the golf range and actually work on your grip till you’re comfortable with it, and it becomes somewhat second-nature to you.

Before we get into all that, let’s get the ball rolling and start off by looking at grip itself, just to
gain a better understanding of what you’re going to be dealing with.

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