Google AdWords – An Overview
Google AdWords is a pay-per-click solution offered by Google. Pay per click type of advertising can help transform your web site from no traffic to web site with high traffic. This can bring in huge profits. Google AdWords offers easy solutions and techniques to get the maximum traffic to your web site very quickly.
Pay per click advertising requires you to form a small advertisement covering barely two to three lines. This carries a headline citing your keyword. Clicking on this headline provides link to your web site. Ideally, offers organic results and paid links for every search on the web site. Paid links normally appear on the right-hand side while organic results are on the left.
Every time anybody clicks on your paid advertisements at Google site, you pay a fee to Google. Fees can be anything from .10 cents to many dollars depending on the demand and popularity of your keyword. You should target quality clicks at your web site to increase sales and pay your advertisement costs too.
Google offers a certain AdRank to monitor the Google AdWords at the web site. The three main governing factors are keywords or phrases, bid price, and the quality score. Aim to project your advertisement on the first few pages, as people normally do not scout beyond these while on their search.
Such projection requires a targeted keyword. The keyword should bear a direct link to your product. Put your keyword within quotes if you want the searched keywords to appear in that order. There are only ten available slots for sponsored links at the first page of Google web site. Therefore, make use of the Google AdWords Keyword Finder to find the best and most appropriate keyword for your product.
Locate the going rate for your chosen keyword and the projected bid amount too. Choose your bid position according to the cost savings accruing to you. Relevance of the particular keyword and its performance in the past determine the quality score of the keyword.
Overall, all these factors determine your advertisement costs and how much you gain through such advertisements in the form of increased sales.