Google Places Goliath

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Business owners worldwide have always searched for ways to bring more customers through their doors. It’s called advertising, and you either pay for it, or you learn how to drive traffic to your business without spending a dime.

Google Places is one of those well-kept secrets that successful business owners never want to share with their competitors. Why? It’s a free service. It displays your business listing organically (no paid sponsor) Your business is listed on the first page of, and it drives traffic to your business 24-hours a day.

What this report promises.

When you follow all the steps, tips, and techniques that are listed within these pages, your business listing will appear on the first page of Google within three to eight weeks.

Depending upon how fast you work, it should take you no more than six hours to create your Google Places listing. It might even take you only three hours if you've already done your research

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