On account of this relation, and the fact that skill with these arms can be instantly utilized in rifle shooting, the development of marksmanship with the pistol and revolver assumes national importance.
While numerous standard works have been written on the subject of rifle shooting, there is comparatively
little information available on pistol and revolver shooting. The object of this volume is to supply prac- tical information on this subject. The author has attempted to treat the subject in a clear and concise
manner, keeping the size of the volume as small as practicable and so as to be conveniently carried in the
pocket. Particular pains have been taken to give sound advice and elementary instruction to beginners.
The author extends his grateful acknowledgments to Baron Speck von Sternburg, Messrsr. J. B. Crab- tree, John T. Humphrey, William E. Carlin, Chas. S. Axtell, Walter Winans, Walter G. Hudson, Ed. Taylor, J. E. Silliman, M. Hays, and the various arms and ammunition manufacturers referred to herein, for valuable assistance, suggestions, information and data in preparing this volume.