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The Internet makes the unavailability of information available and reachable for all levels. The internet provides students with vast amount of information on any topic of interest. Students can explore their interests and learn more about a wide range of topics outside the scope of traditional curriculum.

The internet has become a major and more effective tools for both teaching and learning. Teachers use it as a teaching tool for research, and posting their teaching materials like, notes and videos on the school platform or forum. While the learning process becomes interesting with the use of video tutorials and notes.

Benefits of Internet on Education 

  • Flexibility: Online learning allows the learner to decide when it’s convenient for them to learn. It means having control over your schedule to avoid distraction. Unlike the conventional or traditional way of learning, where lectures will be scheduled at a specific time or day that is not convenient for you, due to work or other engagement.
  • Reduced cost: Education can be quite expensive, but online learning can provide ways for students to save. Most online programs offered by schools are financial aid eligible.
  • Opportunities for Career Advancement: Students of online learning are better prepared to continue working while pursuing their academic credentials. Career advancement can be achieved through virtual learning.
  • Personalized Education: In online learning, students choose time that works best for them to study. By enhancing their time and also managing their skills. Students will not just gain knowledge from studying, it also sharpen their time management skills.
  • Immediate Feedback: Unlike the traditional setting, where it takes time to receive feedback from lectures and professors. Technology has made learning much easier and faster. As a result, student receive feedbacks right away. Student upload assignment, research, and even write exams electronically, and in no time receive scores and correction.
  • Repeated Access to Course Materials: In conventional settings, after lectures and revision including questions and answers, and you still don’t get it, then you need to put in the work. But online learning has given room to revisit videos, or replay audios when a student don’t understand lectures.

Effect of Internet on Education 

The internet is one of the greatest recent advancement in the world of information, and technology has become useful instrument that fostered the process making the world a global village.

Education has changed over the last decade. With classrooms equipped with the latest technology, making learning very exciting and interactive for the students.

Better Research 

The internet has become an amazing resource for students everywhere. With your phone or laptops, making research is better and easy, just with a click in regards to the supposed topic. No matter the complexity of what one is looking for.

Enhance Communication among Students

The internet has had a profound impact on the way students communicate with each other. In the past student have to rely on face-face communication to interact with fellow classmate. But the internet has made communication and interact easy. Making class activities fun among students. It enhance collaboration on projects and get help when needed.

Access to learning Resources

The internet has immensely changed the way we access information. In the past, if one need access to a specific topic, you need to visit the library and hope to find what you are looking for, to help your research. Now the internet has made it easier giving access to learning resources, this wealth of information is available 24/7 from any with any internet connection.

Aid to Understand Complex Topics

The internet provide opportunities for learning and collaboration. One of the significant changes is the ability to access visual aids that can help students better understand complex topics. With access to videos, info-graphics, and other resources that can help solve complex topics.

Disadvantage of Internet on Education

The internet vastness can lead to information overload, making it difficult for students to discern accurate information. Many times, the love and continuous usage of some gadgets make people forget they are getting too attached in the usage, without caution.


When students use technology to study, they get distracted by notifications that pops up on their gadget, and this distract the true essence of study. Around the world students are using high quality gadget for study. 

Avenue for Cheating

Students who have opportunity to use their phones during exams, ends up using it to source for answers online (exam malpractice). Years past people study hard to pass every exam, currently the internet has made hard work look insignificant.

E-book replacing Physical Books

E-books are contents written online, and can only be accessed by computers and phones that support the version of E-book. E-books has over time replace physical books.

Mental and Cognitive disorder

The high usage of the internet and gadgets led to this disorder. The use of the internet can be very addictive, and cause digital dementia, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. All this disorder affect the mental well-being of an individual over time and if not properly checked can cause further damage.

Physical health Effect

Regular use of gadgets, like computers and phone can cause physical disorders, like eye strain, bad postures, and sleeplessness. Sitting put on your computer all day without inculcating a healthy routine like exercise and proper diet can lead to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. 

Misguided Information

Most website owners only want traffic on their Website and blogs, giving information’s that are not true and are unverified. When students click into such sites all they will gain are information that will misguided their research or class work.

All these can be controlled and avoided, when the proper attentions are given, including time by parents and guidance.


Treading Books