Burn The Fat Feed the Muscle

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This book is written by a bodybuilder, but it’s not just for bodybuilders. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a gym veteran preparing for bodybuilding contest, or you’ve never worked out a day in your life. If you want to lose body fat and keep it off forever, without losing muscle, without slowing down your metabolism and without starvation, drugs or gimmicks, then this book is for you. 

If you’re tired of being given confusing and conflicting advice on exercise and nutrition and you want simple, but detailed answers to all your questions, then this book is for you. 

If you wish someone with integrity (someone who didn’t have a financial interest in the latest “miracle” supplement or stomach-reducing gadget) would share honest and unbiased information about fat loss - then this book is for you. 

Why would you want to learn about fat loss from a bodybuilder? The answer is obvious: Bodybuilders have mastered the art of shedding fat while maintaining muscle. Conventional diets achieve fat loss at the expense of losing muscle, which downgrades your metabolism. That’s one of the reasons “diets” don’t work. I prefer to call this a nutrition program rather than a diet. 

Not only is the natural bodybuilder’s way to fat loss incredibly effective, capable of slashing your body fat well into the single digits (if that’s what you desire), it’s also a lifestyle. Diets don’t work because they are temporary. This program teaches nutrition habits you can maintain for life. 

Before we get into the heart of the program, I’d like to share with you exactly what you are going to learn in these pages and a dozen reasons why this program might just be the most powerful fat-burning system ever developed. 

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