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Why Information Products?

If you have been pulling your hair out looking for a way to make money online, the search is over! One of the easiest ways to make money is by writing and selling information products in electronic book form. 

This is the ultimate product for online sales, simply because the potential is enormous! An electronic book, as you may already know, is not a traditional book that you can turn the corner of one page down to mark your place. (Yes, I am guilty of that!) It is a regular computer file, no different from the hundreds of other files you may have on your hard drive except that it is structured to look and read like a traditional book. You can either read an electronic book on the monitor of your computer, or print it out so that it is portable. 

An electronic book can be viewed on any type or brand of computer. You can send them as email attachments or download them from the Web. Electronic books are extremely versatile! They take up very little room on a hard drive. Some people have hundreds of eBooks on their computer a library that they personally chose. 

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