Around the country, and even the world, an increasing number of people are becoming concerned about the use of genetically modified foods. Also known as genetically engineered foods, these crops are certainly nothing new, but they are becoming increasingly common. The increasing use of these crops and foods, combined with increased research, has led many consumers to question the safety of genetically engineered foods and also to wonder how they may avoid them.
In many parts of the world, Europe included, genetically engineered foods have now been banned. That is not the case in North America, where genetically engineered foods remain widely available. As we will discuss in this guide, the matter of avoiding such foods and the risks they may pose might be easier with the existence of labeling requirements; however, there are currently no laws which would require foods containing genetically modified organisms to be labeled as such.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of the consumer who wishes to avoid GMO foods to educate themselves and the best ways to avoid these foods. In this guide we will discuss what comprises GMOs, how to spot GMO foods and the best way to avoid these foods. We will also discuss the various possible health risks and concerns that are linked to foods that contain genetically modified organisms.
Let’s get started.