My First Pet Cat

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Owning a pet is one of the most rewarding and sometimes one of the most challenging

endeavors that anyone can get into. Studies show that having a pet can significantly

reduce stress levels and can play an active role in psychosocial development for children

and adults. Many people have even had their lives saved by the animals they care for,

and that goes for just about any pet.

In this book we’re going to be talking all about cats. Now, honesty I could write a

few good books on getting and caring for a cat so we’re going to try to focus on the

most pertinent information that will actually help you select a new feline friend and take

care of him or her!

First we’ll discuss some reputable places that you can get a new cat and how to

go about selecting the cat that best matches your personality. Then we’ll go over the

basic veterinarian needs that all new cats must have. After that we’ll discuss social and

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