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How to Engaging your Readers with the following Writing Style

How to Engaging your Readers with the following Writing Style

One of the biggest challenges faced by authors is persuading readers to read on after we have captured their interest, which is no easy task. This issue affects scholars like you as well as authors and marketers. 

You've spent many hours researching this and are excited to present your results to everyone, but you're not the only one doing this. The goal is shared by thousands of other academics, thus it becomes challenging for editors to sift through the massive volume of applications they get.

So how can you increase the likelihood that your academic papers will be effectively published? Write more skillfully. Your writing style should improve readability and engagement, in addition to the substance of the content. A boring and uninteresting paper will have no readers.

To help you spruce up your paper, we provide the following quick list of ways to improve your writing style.

1. Shorten -Length Sentences

Shorter sentences are key part of good book reviews. Scholars tend to compose eloquent words. When you combine this with technical jargon, you have an extremely difficult-to-read journal publication. Shorten your sentences to make the topic easier for readers to understand. It's not necessary to use every condition, modifier, and exception in a single phrase. Here are some tips for crafting succinct, more powerful statements. 

By following these pointers, you can lessen the likelihood that readers will become disinterested in your complex writing.

Break longer sentences into parts, especially those longer than 20 words.

2. Avoid Repetitive Phrasing

Repetitive phrasing is a common issue that many writers face, but with a little awareness and effort, it’s easy to avoid.

  • When connecting ideas, use logical transitional words rather than just    conjunctions. 
  • Use short clauses to break up large ones if you have a lot of them.
  • Save your most impactful material for brief sentences. Your main point won't get lost in a sea of words when you use short phrases, which make them stand out.
  • Use a thesaurus to find synonyms for common words and phrases.
  • Use active voice instead of passive voice.
  • Vary your sentence.

We frequently come across the following situation: 

An editor says, "You used the same word four times in a paragraph, particularly in consecutive sentences. 

You might want to diversify the vocabulary." The author responds, "But they're technical terms. I have to use them to be accurate." Don't you get tired of reading the same words over and over again? Your audience does too. Constantly seeing similar patterns is dull, and even our brain disapproves of such writing. 

When we become accustomed to repetitive things like words on a page, our eyes gloss over them and we lose focus. Keep your readers interested by varying up your prose.

  • Use synonyms when possible, but be careful that the substitution fits the context.
  • Don’t forget that pronouns and other demonstratives are your friends. Make sure that pronoun references are clear, however.
  • Organize your paragraphs so that similar ideas and topics are together. This method will help you establish more precise references for pronouns and demonstratives. Break up your paragraphs into shorter ones.
  • Avoid using the same phrase or word multiple times in a paragraph or a sentence.

3. Diversify Sentence Structures within a Paragraph

Diversifying your sentence structure within a paragraph is another great way to improve your writing.  Similar to increasing word choice, changing up the grammar helps keep readers interested. For instance, writing in consecutive phrases with the format "subject + verb+ object" is monotonous to read and resembles the writing styles of children. The boring text will be quickly processed by our brains. What steps can you take to fix this issue? Here are a few guidelines.

Mix compound and complex sentences and insert simple sentences to give readers’ eyes periodic breaks.

  • Vary the length of your sentences.
  • Use different sentences types, such as simple, compound and complex sentences.
  • Use mix of declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences.
  • Avoid starting every sentences with the same sentences or phrase.
  • Use a combination of simple and compound – complex sentences.

4. Vary Consecutive Paragraph Structures and Lengths

You can apply the advice from all three points above to paragraphs and sections.

  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.
  • Keep paragraphs short and focused. Aim for three to five sentences per paragraph.
  • Vary the order of your paragraph. Don’t always start with a description, for example, or always end with a summary.
  • Use a combination of short and long paragraphs to create a rhythm in your writing.
  • Break up long paragraphs with headings or bullet points.
  • Use a variety of transition words. 

We hope that our collection of bulleted revision suggestions has provided you with some fresh resources to help you improve as a writer and create versions that are clearer. 

As always, feel free to peruse our articles on our Resources page for further pointers and guidance on honing your drafting skills. 

For your next research paper or academic document, don't forget to seek professional proofreading and editing services, including manuscript editing and other academic editing services, before submitting it to journals.

In addition, whether you work as a freelance writer or are a business professional, think about utilizing one of the services below to improve your writing and impress your readers.
