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Aspiring writers should take a long, well-deserved rest after finishing a draft. However, your task is far from finished! Since nobody's first draft is ever their finest, you must improve the calibre and impact of your work. Editing the manuscript is now necessary!

The secret to turning your writing into a polished and interesting piece of writing may be manuscript editing. This article will discuss manuscript editing, its significance, and the advantages it provides for writers. We will also go over the expected costs for manuscript editing and offer helpful self-editing advice.


What is revising a manuscript?

The practice of examining written material to enhance its readability, correctness, and clarity is known as manuscript editing. It takes place in multiple steps, starting with substantial content checks and ending with grammatical and spelling corrections. An experienced editor is essential to improving your manuscript's overall quality and getting it ready for publication.

A manuscript must go through several phases of editing because it is a time-consuming and lengthy procedure. We can provide you with a general overview of the stages needed, but different editors and editing companies handle these in different ways.


What is the role of a manuscript editor?

An editor of manuscripts assumes multiple duties in order to improve the calibre of a piece of writing. These duties fall into three general categories: copyediting, proofreading, and substantive editing.



1. Editing that is substantive

Often referred to as developmental editing, substantive editing concentrates on assessing the structure and content of your manuscript. This kind of editing is more involved and entails rearranging whole parts to improve impact and flow.


A substantive editor evaluates your manuscript's overall idea coherence. They also offer clarification and logical enhancements to guarantee that the article serves its intended function.


2. Editing

The final stage of manuscript editing is proofreading, which entails carefully going over the content to check for mistakes and consistency. An editor of manuscripts concentrates on fixing typos, proofreading punctuation and capitalization, and guaranteeing that language is used consistently throughout the work.


Proofreading makes ensuring the manuscript is error-free by attending to these basic components. Although it can seem like a small check, it's a crucial step in ensuring the quality of your text.


3. Altering copies

Your manuscript's overall cohesion and clarity are enhanced by copy editing. Sentence structure must be improved, awkward or superfluous phrases must be removed, and factual accuracy and logical coherence must be verified.

A copy editor preserves your voice while assessing the manuscript's language and style. They conclude that your work is interesting, concise, and well-suited to the target audience.

Should you hire a professional editor to edit your manuscript?

If you're merely sending your book to an agency, you might think that you don't need to edit it, but that's not the case. Before your work sits on an agent's desk, you have to make sure it is as polished and cohesive as possible. Your manuscript needs to be unique because publishing agencies receive thousands of them!

For writers looking to polish their writing and increase its impact, there are many advantages to hiring a professional manuscript editor. Let's investigate a few of them.


Highly readable

A manuscript's readability is greatly improved by editing it. Editors work to improve the language and style in addition to fixing grammatical and spelling mistakes. They cut out superfluous jargon and difficult vocabulary so that your document may be understood by a wider audience. By enhancing readability, manuscript editing increases the chances of capturing and retaining your readers’ attention.


Increased trustworthiness

A polished manuscript radiates professionalism and credibility. Manuscript editors carefully remove mistakes, grammatical faults, and inaccuracies, making your writing stronger. You may acquire the reader's (or publisher's) trust and position yourself as an authority in your fields by submitting a polished and error-free work.


More opportunities for publication

Manuscripts that don't adhere to the rigorous publication requirements and rules risk having their submissions rejected. By assisting writers in adhering to these standards, professional manuscript editing raises the likelihood that their work will be accepted by publishers or journals.

In the cutthroat publishing world, an edited manuscript is highly regarded as evidence of a dedication to excellence. Investing in manuscript editing can improve the work's overall quality and lead to more prospects for publication.


Tips for budget-conscious authors on manuscript editing

Your manuscript is a lengthy piece that needs improvement in a few different places. So, while editing it yourself, you must be methodical. Go through the document one problem at a time, scanning it for solutions.


Use these pointers to revise your manuscript:


1. Take a rest

It's important to take a break after finishing the first draft of writing before starting the editing process. You'll be able to view your work from a different angle if you give yourself sometime between writing and editing. This distance can help you approach your work more critically and spot areas that could want better.


2. Pay attention to organisation and structure

Observe the organisation and structure closely of your manuscript. Check whether your sections and chapters are arranged in the best manner possible. Ensure a logical flow of thought and insert headings and subheadings where necessary. Your manuscript should offer a smoother reading experience and enhance comprehension for your readers.

3. Be mindful of the terminology and style.

Making sure you're speaking to your reader in the appropriate language is the final stage. Eliminate superfluous technical terms that your audience is unlikely to comprehend. Keep your writing tone constant throughout your manuscript to make it logical and interesting to read. Finally, proofread your work carefully for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. The secret to success is quality control!


Rates for manuscript editing

Manuscript editing fees can range from $25 to $100 per hour, while the cost per word can be between $0.01 and $0.30. The real cost of editing will undoubtedly differ from these prices, which are an industry average.

Your manuscript's length, level of complexity, and density of errors will all affect how much editing it will cost. If you want a thorough edit for your manuscript, your overall cost may exceed $3,000.

Manuscript editing step

Manuscript editing rates

Manuscript editing cost (70,000 words)

Developmental editing

$800 + 0.012 per word


Copy editing + line editing + proofreading

$0.022 per word



$0.017 per word



If you want to lower these costs, you can look for packages and offers provided by manuscript editing services. You can also do a few rounds of self-editing to reduce the number of errors in your manuscript.



Treading Books