Bottomline Bodybuilding

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THE BOTTOM LINE… What It All Comes Down To

As the title suggests, THE BOTTOM LINE is a "get down to it, no fluff, no hype, nonapologetic" journal that is designed for one thing and one thing only -- to show you, the bodybuilder, the most direct and uncomplicated methods toward building more muscle and shredding off! That is, as much as your body is capable.

This book is designed as both a companion and a continuation of "THE BODYBUILDING TRUTH Secrets You're Not Supposed to Know." If you haven't read that original work, some of the information herein may seem confusing or incomplete. For that reason, I'd strongly urge you to read both books in an effort to be fully versed. 

Since the time of its release, The Bodybuilding Truth has changed the way thousands of bodybuilders train, eat, supplement, and view the industry of bodybuilding itself. The concept behind "The Bottom Line" is to update information and address some strategies that either weren't included or have yet to be discovered. 

If you thought The Bodybuilding Truth was scathingly honest in regard to misinformation about training, the fallacies concerning nutrition and the slimy side of the supplement industry, then hold on! If you're looking for more, no nonsense methods of training, you've come to the right place. And if you want more honest information about bodybuilding, nutrition, supplementation, and the most effective use of anabolic, get ready for a jolt. 

I should make you aware right from the start that this is not a reference filled journal that reads like a textbook, so if that's what you want, stop reading now. You won't find it here. My intention was to write an entertaining book that that is conversational in style and informative in content.

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