Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism

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Welcome to the Second Edition of Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism! We are absolutely thrilled to share with you the latest protocol updates and everything else that has happened since May 2013.

You may be thinking: Why a second edition so soon? Our first edition gave us the structure to explain the protocol, and a foundation to build on.

This book has already helped many families around the world, and in fact some parents read it and recovered their children without even contacting us until afterwards! Keep in mind that when it was released in May 2013 it was absolutely up to the minute, but as we mentioned, this protocol will continue to evolve until we have something that is consistently recovering people on the spectrum of all ages.

As of January 2014, we again are sharing the latest updates, as well as a whole lot more information that we hope will be as interesting and beneficial to you as it was to us.

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