Building A Sustainable Business

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Regardless of whether you are a beginning

entrepreneur who has recently inherited a business, an

experienced farmer who is considering on-farm processing,

or a retiring business owner who is looking to pass on the

farm, business planning is important. It is an ongoing

process that begins with the identification of values and

ends with a strategic plan to address critical management


Like many rural entrepreneurs, you may have a strong

sense of the values that drew you to the land or inspired you

to begin a business. You may also have a clear set of

personal and business goals that you would like to pursue

“when the time is right.” But, if you’re like most farmers

and rural business owners, you run into problems when

trying to incorporate values and goals into day-to-day

business decisions. How can you build a balanced and

sustainable business—one that reflects your values and is

successful—in the long run?

Unlike most other business planning tools, Building a

Sustainable Business: A Planning Guide for Farmers and Rural

Business Owners takes a whole-farm approach. You will

consider traditional business planning and marketing

principles as well as your personal, economic,

environmental and community values—those less tangible

things that are a part of your thoughts every day, but which

often don’t become a planned part of your business. You will

be asked to integrate values with business management

practices throughout this Guide.

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