Java 7 for Absolute Beginners

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Who This Book Is For

The title says, “for Absolute Beginners.” By that, I mean absolute beginners at programming. My original audience was teenagers whom I hope will go to college, get degrees in Mathematics, Computer Science, or Electrical Engineering (or perhaps Technical Communication or Graphic Design), and then enter the software industry.

However, I quickly realized that adults might also wish to learn to program, as part of changing careers, as a hobby, or simply out of curiosity. As a result, I've written the book for anyone who wants to learn to program but doesn't have any programming knowledge, regardless of other characteristics such as age or future career paths.

How This Book Is Structured

The first chapter gets you started by showing you how to install a development environment and by getting you through writing your first program.

The next few chapters cover the basics of how Java works, including operators, data types, branching and looping, and how object-oriented languages define and solve problems.

The middle chapters detail some of the “bread and butter” tasks that software developers must continually do, such as working with files and their contents and creating a user interface for a program. Once the book gets through all that, it turns to some topics that are more fun (I think), such as creating animations and video games.

The book closes with a chapter that briefly introduces two topics that, although somewhat advanced, may let you do good things in your own programs once you finish the book.

All through the book, I include code samples that you can type into your development environment and run. You can also get the code from the Apress web site. I've also included lessons from my 25 years (twenty of them full-time) in software development.

I hope those real-world experiences make the highly abstract field of software development more concrete for you. It pays to remember that, although the field is by nature theoretical, the problems we want to solve mostly exist in the real world.

Conventions This book uses a number of formatting conventions that should make it easier to read. Formatting can't substitute for poor writing or poor coding, but it can help to make either more clear.

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