Mathematics of Bioinformatics

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Recent progress in the determination of genomic sequences has yielded many millions of gene sequences. But what do these sequences tell us, and what generalities and rules are governed by them? There is more to life than the genomic blueprint of each organism. Life functions within the natural laws that we know and those we do not know. It appears that we understand very little about genetic contexts required to “read” these sequences.

Mathematics can be used to understand life from the molecular level to the level of the biosphere. This book is intended to further integrate the mathematics and biological sciences.

The reader will gain valuable knowledge about mathematical methods and tools, phenomenological results, and interdisciplinary connections in the fi elds of molecular genetics, bioinformatics, and informatics.

Historically, mathematics, probability, and statistics have been widely used in the biological sciences. Science is challenged to understand the system organization of the molecular genetics ensemble, with its unique properties of reliability and productivity.

Disclosing key aspects of this organization constitutes a big step in science about nature as a whole and in creating the most productive biotechnologies. Knowledge of this structural organization should become a part of mathematical natural science.

Advances in mathematical methods and techniques in bioinformatics have been growing rapidly. Mathematics has a fundamental role in describing the complexities of biological structures, patterns, and processes.

Mathematical analysis of structures of molecular systems has essential meaning for bioinformatics, biomathematics, and biotechnology. Mathematics is used to elucidate trends, patterns, connections, and relationships in a quantitative manner that can lead to important discoveries in biology.

This book is devoted to drawing a closer connection and better integration between mathematical methods and biological codes, sequences, structures, networks, and systems biology.

It is intended for researchers and graduate students who want an overview of the field and who want information on the possibilities (and challenges) of the interface between mathematics and bioinformatics.

In short, the book provides a broad overview of the interfaces between mathematics and bioinformatics.

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