Everyone has some or the other kind of passion in them; even people who
vehemently deny that they aren’t passionate about anything have some kind of
passion in them. Most people live without realizing their passion and among
those that know they are passionate about something; the majority does not seem
to care. Forget making money out of their passion; they don’t even want to
acknowledge to themselves that something can be made out of it.
Consider a young man who is exceptionally fond of playing drums. He might be
very good, but unless he realizes that his talent of playing drums can make money
for him, he won’t actually do it. But for that, he needs to do two things:-
First, accept and believe that he has the talent
Second, use that talent in marketable forms so that money might be made
with it.
Since we are going to talk about how you can unleash the potential of your
passion on your moneymaking aspirations, the first thing you need is to
understand where your passion lies. Once you do that, you have to make plans in
order to start monetizing your passion.
Your passion could be the thing that you like to do the most. Picture this – you
are in a 9 to 5 job for your daily bread and butter. But the thing that really drives
you are those weekends you spend at the beach, indulging in some parasailing.
Now, there is your passion! You trudge on through the whole week just to have
that one day of parasailing at the end of it. That’s your raison d’être.
This is the kind of passion you can potentially tap into. You certainly have a lot of
inside knowledge through your trysts with your passion which you could tap into.
You could write an eBook about it, start a website, start an online group, etc.