Superfoods for Dummies

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The power of the foods you eat to help you or hurt you is quite amazing. We’ve both seen the health of patients improve dramatically when they break their junk-food habits and turn to healthful foods instead. And we know that when patients understand the importance of nutrition, they’re more likely to support a healthful diet.

We want to help you feel healthier too, so we wrote Superfoods for Dummies to show you which foods give you the most bang for your dietary buck our superfoods. We think these foods are extra-special because they can improve your health and prevent disease, and we have the science to back these claims up.

Most of our superfoods are easy to find, and you’ll be quite comfortable with them. But we also introduce you to some lesser-known superfoods. So what’s in it for you?

Maybe you want to be more energetic, lose weight, reduce your cholesterol, or lower your blood pressure.

No matter what your reason for being interested in superfoods, we know that once you feel the benefits, you’ll want to keep these superfoods in your diet for a lifetime — a very long and healthful lifetime.

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