Your Must Have Guide To making Your Own Soler Energy

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Someone once said energy makes things happen. This is absolutely true. Light energy helps us see and when we feel warm during cold days this is all thanks to the energy called heat. But, have you ever wondered where most of this energy came from?

Most of the energy that the Earth receives comes from the Sun. The Sun is the biggest source of energy in our lives. It gives off enormous amount of heat and light energy in all directions that some of its energies
reach the Earth. We call this energy solar energy meaning energy from the Sun. Solar energy makes life on Earth possible. Without the sun, the earth would be cold and dark that no living things can live on it. Another thing is that, life depends on water. The heat from the Sun causes the water to constantly move between the Earths' surface and the atmosphere. This process is called the water cycle. With this, water is properly distributed all over the globe.

Another importance of the solar energy is that it gives plants the energy they need to make food in a process called photosynthesis. During this process plants take in sunlight, use water and release oxygen into the air.

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