50 Quickfire Tactics

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Greetings, and welcome to the course. What you’re about to experience isn’t just a random list of useful business stuff I put together because I wanted to get out there and sell it as a new product, it’s much more than that. 

What I’ve presented here are what I would deem to be the biggest business changing tips I could come up with, not because I read about them anywhere, or because someone told me about them (as is the case with a lot of these books nowadays). 

In actual fact, every single point that you’re about to read has been the difference between my launching a product and pulling $200 in a week (which is what my business had a habit of doing when I first began in 1999) and today, where first in March, and then in June of 2006, my products generated first $100,000 in of sales one week, followed by $133,000. 

Now bear in mind up to 40% of this went out in commissions, but even so, I think that qualifies me to be sitting here right now showing you what exactly changed between 1999 and 2006 to make my business successful, especially if it turns out to do the same for you and your business. 

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