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Start Your Business The Right Way

11 There Are No Dumb Business Questions, Not!

There is no such thing as a dumb business question. OK, that's not exactly true. There are

dumb business questions and I do get quite a few of them. Not through this column, of

course. People intelligent enough to actually use a computer and surf the World Wide Web

would never submit dumb questions now, would they.

13 How To Tell If Your Amazing New Product Idea Is Really Worth Gambling On

Do you have a great idea for an amazing new online product that you think will be the

greatest thing since sliced bread? How can you tell if your idea is worth gambling on?

15 Choosing A Business That's Right For You

I always compare starting a business to jumping into a pool of freezing water. There are

typically two types of entrepreneurs who take the plunge: The Toe Testers and The High

Divers. Both types of entrepreneurs may find success, depending on how well equipped they

are to handle the water they are diving into.

18 What's In A Name? When It Comes To Your Business, Plenty!

We live in an age when a business called "The Body Shop" might repair wrecked cars or sell

skintight jeans to teenagers, so before you send your letterhead to the printer, consider the

following points to help you select the business name that's right for you.

20 Starting Your Business By The Book

To begin, here's the best legal advice I can give you as a new business person: find yourself

a good lawyer and make him or her your very best friend. Granted, your new best friend will

charge you an hourly fee for chatting on the phone or talking business over lunch, but you'll

find it to be money well spent. A good attorney can save you far more than the cost of his

services. I rarely make any decision that has the potential to impact my business without first

consulting my attorney.

22 Protect Your Ideas With Copyrights and Patents

A wise man once said, "The biggest difference between a copyright and a patent is the

number of lawyers it takes to do the paperwork." There is a point to be made there, mainly

that if this wise man had paid his attorney to copyright that tidbit of wisdom I probably would

have had to pay him five bucks to use the quote.

24 Investing In Son's Business Could Cause A Real Family Feud

I have a very simple rule when it comes to loaning money to relatives: NEVER, EVER loan

money to anyone you might have to sit next to at Thanksgiving dinner.

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